Code Example

#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #2, 64KHz pwm
AF_DCMotor motor3(3, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #2, 64KHz pwm

void setup() {
  motor2.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255
  motor3.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255
  pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set pin to High state and an Input
  pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set pin to High state and an Input
  pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set pin to High state and an Input
  pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set pin to High state and an Input
  // delay(3000);  //Chill a bit before motors start
void f(int d) { // Call Forward
  motor2.setSpeed(200);     // set the speed to 150/255
  motor3.setSpeed(200);     // set the speed to 150/255;      // turn it on going forward;      // turn it on going forward

void b(int d) { // Call Backup
  motor2.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255
  motor3.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255;     // the other way;     // the other way

void r(int d) { // Call Turn Right
  motor2.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255
  motor3.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255;      // turn it on going reverse;      // turn it on going forward

void l(int d) { // Call Turn Left
  motor2.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255
  motor3.setSpeed(250);     // set the speed to 200/255;      // turn it on going forward;      // turn it on going reverse

void s(int d) { // Call Stop;      // stopped;      // stopped

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(A1) == LOW) {
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    b(200); // 1/2 second Backup
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    l(200); // 1/2 Turn Left
  if (digitalRead(A4) == LOW) {
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    b(300); // 1/2 second Backup
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    r(300); // 1/2 Turn Right
   if (analogRead(A0) > 500) {
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    r(500); // 1/2 Turn Left
   if (analogRead(A5) > 500) {
    s(100); // 0.1 second Stop
    l(500); // 1/2 Turn Right
  f(5);  // go forward for 5 milliseconds